Class makeup
Your payment saves your child’s spot in his/her REGULAR class; that is the only spot your child is guaranteed. Beyond that, when possible, we try to accommodate occasional absences by allowing missed classes to be made-up (more below).
Our online class management system uses “makeup tokens” which are given for excused absences and must be used to schedule makeup classes.
How to get a make-up token?
- Notice is required 48 hours in advance for planned absences in order to receive a makeup token. Absences can be requested through your parent portal on the website or iClass Pro app, or by emailing, calling, or stopping by the Front Desk. Please, do not rely on coaches to forward the request. Please note that advanced notification is what allows us to offer makeup classes and is only available if there is room in the desired makeup time and availability.
- Absences requested for emergencies or illness within 48 hours of the class will be considered for makeup tokens on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed a makeup token. If your child is sick, please do not bring him/her to class, please, contact the front desk as early as possible and we will do our best to accomodate for such instance.
How to use a make-up token?
After the absence notice is approved and processed on our end, the makeup token will be available on your parent portal after the missed class. You may log in to the parent portal on the website or iClass Pro app and conveniently request a makeup in a class with availability. You will be able to see class availability up to 7 days ahead. If you have questions about scheduling a makeup, you may contact the Front Desk.
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What are the limitations of a makeup token?
- Makeup tokens expire after 30 days, and each student is limited to 13 tokens per calendar year.
- Makeup procedures may vary from program to program, depending on safety concerns, space, equipment, and teaching ratios. NOTE that a program’s particular make-up policy is already factored into that program’s tuition amount. The gym is closed from time to time for holidays. These days are factored into the tuition and averaged out over the year.
- We reserve the right to refuse a makeup if we feel it will hinder the experience of those children who have registered for and paid for that class.
- Makeups are not intended for our Competitive Team Students.
With the iClassPro app you can easily....
- Manage makeup class tokens.
- Request class enrollment.
- View Skill tracking charts.
- Update payment information.
- View billing History.
If you are already a member, simply download the iClassPro App and search for the club INSPIRE and log in to your account, you don’t need to create a new one!